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Module eval

EvalDocuments Objects

class EvalDocuments()

This is a pipeline node that should be placed after a node that returns a List of Document, e.g., Retriever or Ranker, in order to assess its performance. Performance metrics are stored in this class and updated as each sample passes through it. To view the results of the evaluation, call EvalDocuments.print(). Note that results from this Node may differ from that when calling Retriever.eval() since that is a closed domain evaluation. Have a look at our evaluation tutorial for more info about open vs closed domain eval ( https://haystack.deepset.ai/docs/latest/tutorial5md).


| __init__(debug: bool = False, open_domain: bool = True, top_k_eval_documents: int = 10, name="EvalDocuments")


  • open_domain: When True, a document is considered correctly retrieved so long as the answer string can be found within it. When False, correct retrieval is evaluated based on document_id.
  • debug: When True, a record of each sample and its evaluation will be stored in EvalDocuments.log
  • top_k: calculate eval metrics for top k results, e.g., recall@k


| run(documents, labels: dict, top_k_eval_documents: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs)

Run this node on one sample and its labels


| print()

Print the evaluation results

EvalAnswers Objects

class EvalAnswers()

This is a pipeline node that should be placed after a Reader in order to assess the performance of the Reader individually or to assess the extractive QA performance of the whole pipeline. Performance metrics are stored in this class and updated as each sample passes through it. To view the results of the evaluation, call EvalAnswers.print(). Note that results from this Node may differ from that when calling Reader.eval() since that is a closed domain evaluation. Have a look at our evaluation tutorial for more info about open vs closed domain eval (https://haystack.deepset.ai/docs/latest/tutorial5md).


| __init__(skip_incorrect_retrieval: bool = True, open_domain: bool = True, debug: bool = False)


  • skip_incorrect_retrieval: When set to True, this eval will ignore the cases where the retriever returned no correct documents
  • open_domain: When True, extracted answers are evaluated purely on string similarity rather than the position of the extracted answer
  • debug: When True, a record of each sample and its evaluation will be stored in EvalAnswers.log


| run(labels, answers, **kwargs)

Run this node on one sample and its labels

| print(mode)

Print the evaluation results